Cub Scout Pack 368
Parents and Leaders Committee. Your committee, that helps direct our scouting adventures!
Pack Chairperson- Becky Golueke Committee member- Committee member- Treasurer- Shannon Wright and Paul Yamriska Secretary- Open and needs filling. Cubmaster- Dave Pederson Webelos 2 Leader- Frank Wadzinski Assistant Webelos- Webelos 1 Leader- Dave Pederson Assistant Webelos 1 Leader- Missie Gagnon and Sue Jones Bear Leader- Maria Bischel Assistant Bear- Dawn Wadzinski Wolf Leader- Renee Sagal Assistant Wolf- Beth Loncki Tiger Leader- Shari Rockwell Assistant Tiger Leader- Beth Loncki Recruitment- Becky Golueke Unit Commissioner- Beth Loncki
This Pack is run by parent volenteers! Don't wait to be asked! We need you. Help us make this a great year in scouting!