What are the key advantages of
- is Internet-based
Unlike spreadsheets or other standalone PC programs, is an Internet-based service so users can login from
anywhere around the world — including the comfort of your home or the convenience of your office! Everyone in your Pack
or Troop shares the same system so everyone is kept up to date with the same information at the same time. supports Pack/Troop Leaders, Advancements Coordinators, Den Leaders, Scoutmasters (and Assistant Scoutmasters),
Parents and Scouts. Each user has special capabilities based on their needs and responsibilities within the Pack/Troop. Everyone
has their own userid and password so can identify them and present the appropriate capabilities and information.
Of course, privacy and security of your personal information is very important. See's Privacy Policy for details. makes it incredibly easy to keep people in your Pack/Troop informed of the activities and events with the
shared calendar and automatic e-mail reminder capabilities.
- promotes collaboration
All users share the same system. Den leaders and parents update their scout's progress online whenever any activity is
completed. The Advancements Coordinator can set deadlines and create up to date reports without needing to maintain separate
spreadsheets or other standalone solutions.
Parents tend to get more involved when they can easily see their scouts' progress without having to flip through a lot
of pages in a Scout book. Parents can also see what is planned in den meetings so they avoid duplicating activities at home.
With the collaboration capabilities of, it is very easy to send e-mail messages to others in your Pack/Troop.
- educates parents and promotes the various achievements and badges presents all the achievements and badges that scouts can work on in a format that is simple to understand.
As a result parents and scouts understand more of the available activities and what it takes to earn badges and other awards
— empowering them to complete activities at home.
- automatically recognizes badges earned
As parents and den leaders mark activities completed, recognizes when all the requirements for a badge have
been met and automatically awards the badge to the scout. also handles the complexities of immediate recognition
beads, Arrow Points, Webelos compass points, religious emblems, the Cub Scout World Conservation Award and anniversary/service
year pins. also ensures that no Scout accidentally receives the same badge twice, or worse, receives it late
or never.
- saves time
The Advancements Coordinator doesn't have to collect paper lists, e-mail messages or phone messages to make the list of
badges to order. And Den Leaders don't have to give the Advancements Coordinators lists either. As badges are earned, they
automatically appear on the Advancements Coordinator's Badges Earned report — the report used for shopping at the scout
store and distributing badges at meetings. can even generate the Advancement Report (form 34403) required by the scout shops and district offices!
Parents don't need to give the den leader the Scout book, and the Den Leader doesn't have to sift through the Scout books
looking for what new activities have been completed.
How is different than the PC-based Pack/Troop Management packages?
- is Internet-based was designed from the beginning to be Internet-based so that you can easily share and communicate with your
Cub Scout Pack or Boy Scout Troop. With PC-based Pack/Troop management packages, it is virtually impossible to effectively
share information between leaders of the Pack or Troop.
One of the PC-based Pack/Troop management packages has released an "Internet" version of their product. This kludgy solution
requires you to setup your own ftp-site as a way to exchange copies of the database. After all that only one person can update
records at a time! That is no "Internet" solution..
- is for everyone in your Pack or Troop
Programs and Badges Supported
- Cub Scouts
- Tiger 2001 program
- Tiger Cub Badge
- Tiger Cub Belt Totem and Totem beads
- Tiger Electives and Tiger Track beads
- Sports and Academics belt loops and pins
- Wolf and Bear Scouts
- Achievements and Electives
- Both old (1998) and new (2004) requirements supported!
- Progress Towards Rank Emblem and beads
- World Conservation Badge
- Arrow Point Trail ("extra" requirements automatically credited towards Arrow Points)
- Sports and Academics belt loops and pins
- Webelos
- Webelos activity badges
- Webelos and Arrow of Light badges
- Both old (1998) and new (2004) requirements supported!
- Compass Point emblems
- Sports and Academics belt loops and pins
- Misc.
- Religious emblems
- Pinewood Derby, Regatta
- Summertime activity pin, Day Camp, Webelos Camp
- Perfect Attendance
- and more!
- Boy Scouts
- Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and Eagle ranks
- Gold, Silver and Bronz Eagle Palms
- All merit badges
- Service hour tracking
- Shared calendar allowing pack/troop events to be added by leaders and then viewed by everyone in the
- Den leaders and Assistant Scoutmasters can add events for their den/patrol and only people associated
with that den/patrol will see the events
- Automatic e-mail reminders! Events can be setup to have automatic e-mail reminders sent
out to everyone in the pack/troop or den/patrol.
Users have special capabilities based on their role in the pack or troop:
Pack/Troop leaders can:
- Add and remove dens/patrols, scouts and parents
- Add and remove other pack/troop leaders and advancements coordinators
- Track which scouts have paid their pack/troop registration fees
- Promote dens/scouts to the next rank at the end of the scouting year (only applies to Cub Scouts)
- View user login status for the whole pack/troop
- Send e-mail to all the den/patrol leaders in the pack/troop
- Send e-mail to everyone in the pack/troop
Advancements Coordinators can:
- View the "Badges Earned" report that shows which scouts have earned which badges. There are three forms of this report:
- Badges earned grouped by badge (useful for buying badges at the Scout shop)
- Badges earned grouped by den/patrol and scout (useful for distributing badges at the meetings)
- Advancement report (i.e. form 34403) required by Scout shops and councils for certain badges.
- Award service year pins to the entire pack or troop
- Enter badges earned for previous years
- Send e-mail messages to the den/patrol leaders (handy when clarification is needed on a scout's achievements)
or to announce cut-off dates for earning badges
Den leaders and Scoutmasters (including Assistant Scoutmasters):
- See the progress of their den/patrol — without having to gather and
sift through the Scout books looking for activities that have been completed at home
- Assistant Scoutmasters can get a report of which scouts only need Scoutmaster conferences or Board
of Reviews to complete a badge
- Add and remove scouts and parents from their den/patrol
- Choose whether their den is using the new 2004 requirements or the old 1998 requirements (applicable
for Wolf, Bear and Webelos ranks).
- Decide if parents of the scouts are allowed to mark activities completed at home
- Track which scouts have paid their den/patrol dues
- Enter badges earned for previous years
- Promote their den/scouts to the next rank at the end of the scouting year (only applies to Cub Scouts)
- Send e-mail messages to the parents in their den/patrol
- See the up-to-date status of their scout(s) activities
- Mark activities completed at home (if allowed by leaders)
- Keep control of the Scout book — especially important towards the end of the scouting year when
all those requirements need to be finished!
- Send e-mail messages to the leaders
- Switch between their scouts easily (even between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts)!
Boy Scouts (but not Cub Scouts) can:
- Login to see their progress. If the troop allows it, the scouts can also mark certain activities as planned/completed
(some activities like Scoutmaster conferences and Board of reviews are restricted to Scoutmasters).
All users can:
- Change their own profile (name, address, userid and password)
- Elect to have their personal information (address and phone number) kept out of the pack or troop directory (leaders will
still be able to see it, but other parents will not)
- Send e-mail to the leaders of the pack or troop
- Send feedback (questions, comments, problems or suggestions) to